Wednesday, March 24, 2010


remembered about the "kejutan besar" at the and of this month that i've told before?.. finally the time is come,..tommorrow we are going to japan,... cihuuuuy,..

i just got the news that our visas approved,.. :D
bye,bye indonesia,..hello japan,... :D


Miss de Saire said...

hi mba. udah lama nggak berkunjung kesini... =)
mana nih oleh-oleh tokyo-nya? ditunggu ya cerita serunya.. and ada apa yang baru di's been ages since my vacation to tokyo.. =))

Ingerosalina said...

Ay,.. kita nggak ke tokyo tapi ke fukuoka,.. oleh-oleh?!..kikikik... ntar kalo ke sana lagi deh ya,.. :P
ceritanya seru2 cuma belom sempet nulis nih :( (*sok sibuk, ngalahin sibuknya post partum mom :P hihihi.. *)